On the way to nature school today we were talking about her birthday and I asked her what were some cool things that happened during her 6th year and she said, "going to Legoland with her cousins, going to the aquarium, going to Disneyland with family friends, etc.," and I realized that I should probably ask her some more specific questions to really get a sense of who she is right now as opposed to just a laundry list of places we went to and spent money - even if they were fun experiences - I want to remember things that really matter like spending quality time with the people you love.
This year for her birthday she has decided she wants to take a 'real' surfing lesson for her birthday party. We've had our longboard for a few years now and we've been taking the kids out surfing a few times and they just love it. Miss Nature Girl loves to swim and has gotten quite good over the years and is a natural at surfing as well. The first time my husband pushed her out on the board she popped right up like a piece of pop corn and rode the wave all the way to the shore. It was really cool. We go to this great family spot with a bunch of young kids learning to surf on these tiny rollers and everyone is very supportive. As she was riding in her first wave a few teenage girls were in the water cheering her on. It was pretty awesome! I look forward to our birthday surfing lesson for sure!
These are some of the questions I'll be asking her for her birthday interview. Some of the questions might not be very typical to ask a young child, but I thought it would be fun to hear what an almost 7 year old had to say about things like the meaning of life.
Birthday Interview
1. What was a new skill you learned this year?
2. List your very favorite books.
3. If you could travel to any place in the world where would it be and why?
4. What has been your most fun age so far and why?
5. What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy?
6. What is your favorite thing to do with Mama?
7. What is your favorite thing to do with siblings?
8. What is your favorite thing to learn about?
9. What do you want to be when you grow up and why?
10. What is your favorite thing to watch on TV?
11. What is your favorite food?
12. What are some of your favorite animals? *I know she will not be able to list just one since she is an animal girl.
13. What is your favorite movie?
14. What is your favorite game?
15. What are your favorite lovies?
16. What are your favorite toys?
17. If you could do anything and go anywhere today what and where would it be?
18. What do you think it's like to be a grown-up?
19. What is your favorite way to be helpful? At home? Helping the Earth/environment? Helping other people? Helping animals? Helping nature? Helping yourself?
20. What do you think the most important thing in life is? What makes a happy life?
I'm going to add more questions as I think of them or as conversation inspires. So check back for more...
21. If you could be any animal what would you be and why?
22. What are your favorites ride at Disneyland?
23. What are your favorite sports or outside activities?
24. If you could give any amount of money to help anyone or anything in the world what would it be and why?
What questions would be on your list?