Preschooler: "Mommy, Bayman won't jump through the hula hoop like a doggie will when I hold it out like this." (Demonstrates her circus act that has clearly fallen flat due to an uncooperating toddler.)
Mommy: "Well Birdie, Bayman is a Baby Brother not a doggie."
Bayman: "I not a doggie, Sissy! I a Baby Brudder!"
Just then Baby Brother sneezes out into the universe unleashing a spray of water as well as other unpleasantries that accompany a coughing-sneezing cold and requiring several tissues to clean up into the sky like a fire hose.
Preschooler: (Looks at Baby Brother in Older Sisterly disgust.) "Can we get a doggie mommy? They are cleaner than Baby Brothers. Remember what he did last night?"
Reflecting to last night: Let's just say the diaper was off and Baby Brother was running wild and free until he hid behind the curtains and yadda, yadda, yadda - now we need to steam clean.
Point taken Preschooler, point taken.
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If I Had My Child To Raise Over Again by Diana Loomans
If I had my child to raise over again,
I'd finger paint more, and point the finger less.
I'd do less correcting, and more connecting.
I'd take my eyes off my watch, and watch with my eyes.
I would care to know less, and know to care more.
I'd take more hikes and fly more kites.
I'd stop playing serious, and seriously play.
I'd run through more fields, and gaze at more stars.
I'd do more hugging, and less tugging.
I would be firm less often, and affirm much more.
I'd build self-esteem first, and the house later.
I'd teach less about the love of power,
And more about the power of love.
It matters not whether my child is big or small,
From this day forth, I'll cherish it all.
I found this poem online by Diana Loomans and was very touched by it and wanted to share it on my blog, mostly because I wanted to be sure I have a copy of it! But also I feel it will touch every parent who reads it. Our society is so busy these days running here and running there it's hard to remember to take the time to enjoy life, enjoy the simple things and find the happiness and stillness when raising children. This is an excellent reminder.
Listening To The Whispers Of Your Heart. A Letter To My Children.
A letter to my children about turning life's lemons into lemonade and about finding your true passions in life. Listen to your mother and read this when you are feeling down. Mama loves you. xo
My precious Kiddie Cats,
When life gives us physical or mental pain to deal with and process and heal from, it also gives us time to reflect on stronger days. During this reflection we have the opportunity to either focus on all of the bad, or choose to scrape past the darkness in order to see the light - even if it takes longer than we'd like. Don't give up. Don't ever give up. We have to believe there is light or else the darkness will become too great and may pull us down deeper forever.
Very recently, I have started on a journey - a path to positivity. On this journey I will surround myself with the things that fill my heart with deep happiness and great joy. You of course will be there on this journey with me, for your existence in my life is the greatest most magical gift I have ever been given. Without you and daddy, my life is not complete. The quickest way to reach this path for me is through nature. When I'm surrounded by nature and beauty, sunshine and fresh air I feel my soul waking up trying to speak to me. My body feels alive and electric. It's time to block out the noise so I can hear it. I've been stubborn for far too long.
We have the power within us to overcome our set backs and take back the life and the joy that may have left for a while. It is OK to feel sadness when sadness comes. But it is important to seek out the happiness and focus your thoughts and energy into reaching your happiness again. Don't dwell on your sadness. Learn from it. Learn how to deal with it the next time it finds you. Today I spent a little bit of time alone breathing deeply, exhaling the negativity and looking inward as I walked along the ocean shore, toes digging into the sand and enjoying the crisp March water. I've been going to the chiropractor to deal with a recent back injury that has left me needing more help in all areas of our lives for the past month from Grammy and Daddy. When this happens as it has happened before, there is a guilt I can't describe that comes over me because I'm not able to be the mother I want to be physically and mentally - the mother you deserve because my pain is so great. I allowed it to take hold too tightly this time and I apologize for that. I'm learning how to shed the guilt. I'm choosing to look at it differently now and in the future and I'm putting all of my focus on healing, strength and positivity.
This is what I came away with from my walk in the sunshine. This is my message for you today. I hope you read it when you need comfort and encouragement, support and love. For that is my forever gift to you.
My children-
Be still and find your joy.
There is greatness to be found in taking the time to stop the daily merry-go-round from whirling so that you can truly focus on your surroundings and find the happiness in the pockets of stillness.
In stillness comes creativity.
In peacefulness comes contentment.
In quietness comes discovery.
There is always something to be found when there is nothing.
Discover the joy of nothing.
When we quiet the mind we awaken the soul and are able to hear the whispers of our heart. These heart whispers are the keys to unlock your inner peace and happiness. Once you start listening to the whispers of your heart you will discover the words to the song of your soul for these heart whispers are never wrong, my loves.
They will never lie to you.
They are your destiny.
They are your truth.
They form the beautiful garden of your life.
They have always been and always will be there.
So sing your song and let it escape your lips loudly.
Sing it everyday.
Sing it every night.
Teach me the words so that I may sing it for you if you feel too weak to sing yourself.
Feel the words.
Breathe the words.
Be the words.
Do not ever forget the song of your soul and most importantly, do not ever let anyone try to change your song to something they can sing easier or something that they like better.
For you my child are the only one who hears your own heart whispers so that you can write your own song.
You hold the power to your happiness.
Oh, and don't forget your sunscreen because a life full of happiness is a life full of sunshine.
*Written by Colleen Duncan Canavan 3-2-13
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